Ok, so my favorite candy in the universe is York Peppermint Patties. ("pep pats" for short, in case you didnt know...) And, Babycat L-O-V-E-S the foil that they are wrapped in. No joke, if she hears you unwrapping the candy from anywhere in the house, she will come running and leap into your lap, waiting for you to throw the ball of foil so that she can bat it around. She even carries it in her mouth. It is quite amusing. (and cute beyond belief!) so anyways, for the latest bag o' pep-pats, i have started a foil ball that consists of the wrappings from every single piece. (Ok, so, it only takes me like, 5 days to get through the bag) Here is a pic of the big ball of foil, and I still have three left to add to it. Babycat is going to be one happy cat... haha.
i am a dork.

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