The last saturday before the end of vacation. yuck. Oh well, I guess I am ready to go back. That just means that it is one step closer to summer vacation! :) Even though I am going to have a SHITLOAD of things to do. Parent conferences to line up, yearbook to create, laptop to purchase, pictures to take, fundraiser to finish, SCA meeting to host, report cards to make soon, GMU students to mentor, papers to check, lessons to write... yikes. Oh yeah, and how about photo blogs and personal goals and working out, and a social life? yeah. One step at a time, tracy. Nothing like getting overwhelmed at the start of 2009. I will handle it all. No sweat. At least I am not still working on my masters. Sheesh. Can we say mental breakdown?? :)
So babycat had a cut on her little mouth that looked like it was getting infected. So being the good moms that we are, we took her to the vet this morning. Poor little thing. She cried in the car something horrible. I took her out of the cage, and she clung to me. Fur flying. But, the doctor said it was no biggie and gave her a shot of antibiotic. She should be good as new in a few days. We put her in the bedroom so that the others wouldn't bother her. She needed her rest.
1 comment:
i love our little baby... :)
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