Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day 76 - niffs good

The day started with extensive grocery shopping. $287 later, we ended up with a bunch of food and this yummy smelling Glade fan scent thing. It was free. gotta love coupons!

Day 75 - Miss Hanna

Tropical Storm Hanna hit the east coast today. It was mainly down in the carolinas, but we did get over 7 inches of rain on Saturday morning/afternoon. It stopped long enough for me to take these pictures on the deck.

Day 74 - school spirit

My new DCs just so happen to match our school colors. And it's FRIDAY! School spirit wear day or whatever. I didn't care, I got to wear sneakers, a tee, and comfy pants! :)

Day 73 - shoe fly

This was the hugest horsefly that I have ever seen! It was on my window at school. I just happened to have my camera out because I was takin pics of the kids. :)

Day 72 - finally finished!

I finally finished the pics from Fred and Danny's wedding. I hope they like em! :)

Day 71 - plan ahead

My lesson plan book and day-planner. I will get sick of seeing these by next June. The kids started back at school today. Only 179 more to go.

Day 70 - labor day

The last official day of summer. After we got back from PA, we relaxed. BBC joined us. There was definitely no laboring going on around here... :)

Day 69 - shower time!

A 24-hour trip to and from PA. We drove up for Evie's baby shower. I am so glad that we did. It was a blast hanging out with our "family" up there. I love them all so much. :)

I swear that we take more photos than any group that I know! :) :)

Day 68 - fishie?

Not only are they good for imitating our finned friends, but they make for excellent onion-cutting without the tears. Right, e?

Day 67 - my home away from home

So it only took me a few years, but I figured out that I can easily create panoramas on photoshop. duh. But anyways, here is the complete view of my classroom. This will be my 5th year in the very same place. I love it. :)

Day 66 - the book project

135 books. For Baby Josie. Craziness. :)

Day 65 - nanners

Bananas again. A little different this time though...

Day 64 - measuring up

We took our measurements since I have been slacking with the working out thing. They didnt change TOO much. At least I am keeping up with taking pictures. Mur got in on the action too...

Day 63 - tools of the trade

Being in the classroom is very colorful. Not only the crayons, colored pencils, or markers. But definitely the kids too. You never know what you are going to see. haha. Today was the first day back in the classroom. The kids start next week. Freedom is over.

Day 62 - Baby Kurgan!

We went to visit Anna in the hospital today and to meet Kurgan. He is sooooo cute! Anna is such a sweet mom already. I believe her words were, "I can't believe he's really mine." :)

Day 61 - moving day!

Stacy and Kahle moved in to their beautiful new house this weekend. I was all ready with my sneakers and stuff. E helped with the rum. And someone had some major swass when it was all over!

Day 60 - ready or not...

Def ready.

Day 59 - spice it up

The composition of this looked pretty cool. Again, love the kitchen, what can i say?

Day 58 - wedding planner

Reb and Nate are getting married next summer! Of course eliz and i are offering our opinions and help. :) We hung out one lazy summer afternoon and looked through wedding books and stuff. Sophie, her kitty, helped too.

Day 57 - family outing

Mama Grape and Baby Grape were out for a little stroll...

haha. weird.

Day 56 - this shit is bananas.


Day 55 - walk it out

We plugged in the ipod and cleaned the kitchen today. erin was taking a dance break. or a break dance? hm...

Day 54 - summer showers

The kitchen has been a popular place for my Canon this summer. It is definitely one of the most colorful places in the house, and I spend a lot of time there myself...

Day 53 - break fast

One of the best things about summer is being able to wake up late and make good breakfast. i really suck at omelets, but e took over this morning...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

school's in.

I have a TON of pics to upload. From August 15th through September 2nd. I have them all organized and ready to go. Just to need to edit a few of them. Once I get caught up, I will be good to go. Sorry, fans. You just have to wait a few days until I can get back on track. School started for me last week, went out of town this weekend, edited all of the wedding pics, and life as we know it has been crazy-busy! :) :)